Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Top ten!

My top then Favorite graphic novels/comics! (there not in really any order. I love them all)

10. The Walking Dead.

The Walking Dead is centered on Rick Grimes, a small-town police officer from Cynthiana, Kentucky, his family, and a number of other survivors who have banded together in order to survive after the world is overrun with zombies. I love this comic. Good charters, and a ton of zombie killin' action! If you have time read the comic and watch the show.

9. The Crow

I love this one, the comic and the movie are real classics. It's about a young man named Eric Draven who gets murdered along with his fiance' by a gang. He is then brought back from the dead by a crow and proceeds to kick some ass. Check it out, for real.

8. Romantically Apocalyptic. 

Romantically Apocalyptic is an AMAZING web comic the art is 10/10, The story is about Zee Captain, Zee Sniper, Zee Pilot, And zee Engineer. Check it out Here

7.  Scott Pilgrim vs. The World                                 

What can I say, This is a GREAT comic. It's about Scott Pilgrim, a lovable slacker who meets the girl of his dreams but must defeat her 7 evil exes to date her. Read the comic watch the movie.

6. The Zombie Hunters.

This story follows a group of zombie hunters as they go though life as survivors of the undead outbreak.
Good story, lots of zombies. Check  it out here.

5. Preacher

This comic is CRAZY. It's about Jesse Custer (A preacher), Tulip O'Hare, And there vampire friend Proinsias Cassidy. There trying to find God to make him answer why he left heaven and creation. (This comic is not for the light at heart)

4. Sin City.

Sin City is a classic. If you haven't seen the movie or read the comic. DO IT NOW!

3. V For Vendetta

Do I even have to tell you about this ;)?

2.From Hell

Check this one out, Kinda hard to explain.

1. The Book of Bunny Suicides






  1. Hey I also loved Scott Pilgrim -- both the comic and the movie. The movie was as true to the original as it could be considering the length of the comic though some people said it diverted too far.

  2. I loved the walking dead the show had its moments hopfully season 2 picks up the slack.

  3. i will check some of tehse for sure, my mate has a copy of the bunny suicides, great book :P

  4. Dude bunny suiccides is a great book

  5. You have some pretty good taste bro, followed for more.

  6. Lol book of bunny suicides is a really good book. :)

  7. Great list, I've read the majority but need to check out the others.

  8. the walking dead is the best

  9. can't wait for walking dead season 2 :)

  10. I have the book of bunny suicides! I thought I was the only one!
