Thursday, June 2, 2011

The Watch Steal.

Here it is! Sorry it took me SO long. BUT IT'S HERE! This works with Belt watches.

When you go for the hand shake. You want to have a nice deep grip.

 Now take your other hand and place it on the watch, You have to have a tight grip, but not so tight it hurts the person. This will help with the removal of the watch (when you take it off it will feel like the watch is still there.)

Now take your middle finger and place it on the band. Move the band out of the loop

Now that's out of the loop time to get the metal peace out of the holes


Now you want to pull it back till the metal part falls out.

The watch is now yours! :)

Here's a YouTube video if you need more help.


  1. Could come in handy if i ever decide to become a thief.

    Pretty interesting actually(:

  2. Next is a pickpocket tutorial?

  3. Looks like it wouldn't work if I tried it.

  4. Ha ha. I will be sure to make sure I never shake hands with you :P

  5. it's good that i don't wear a watch.. so i cant stay without it :)

  6. Its all about the distraction and perception, I have seen guys take belts and ties off people without them realizing it. Bring their attention to one point of their body with touch they wont realize the touch at another point.

  7. Looks tricky, and I don't know that many people with belt watches, but may be worth a shot! :P

  8. its probable hardest that it looks

  9. And this is why I follow you :D I feel so dangerous now.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Superb instructions! I'll have to try this on a police officer tomorrow. I'll tell em' Whitelight gives his regards.

  12. haha, I'll be sure to memorize it for when the zombies come. Knowing the time will be very valuable then.
